Seven Must-Have Horse Racing Tack and Equipment 

Seven Must-Have Horse Racing Tack and Equipment 

To help their horses perform as well as they can, trainers have access to a variety of tools. With varied equipment, different horses run better, yet each piece has a certain function. Some horses are...

Horse Racing Saddle Cloths Numbers: Important Things to Know

Horse Racing Saddle Cloths Numbers: Important Things to Know

Do you enjoy horse racing? Well, who doesn’t? However, it takes complete knowledge and awareness of the race to be called a true enthusiast. Don’t know anything about horse racing saddle clothes numbe...

Choosing The Right Horse Racing Saddle – A Complete Guide

Choosing The Right Horse Racing Saddle – A Complete Guide

  Just like in any other discipline, racehorses wear equipment that aids them in doing their duties well. The key for trainers is to keep such equipment as light as possible.  According to expert opin...
