Semi quarter, gaited or something in between? The Monarch saddle by Mesace has a revolutionary adjustable panel design that allows you to self-adjust your saddle panels according to your horse back. With its super sticky Velcro system, once you place the panel in their position, they won´t move at all. It´s 100% waterproof, made of materials called synthetic PVC, Nylon and stainless-steel hardware, which are light, comfortable and proven to be resistant against wear over time. It has a shock absorbing super cushion seat for sublime comfort that guarantees the rider a pleasant ride. It´s 4 deep inch seat with cayenne roll cantle is designed for a secure ride. It has Neoprene skirts that softens the contact between the saddle bars and the horse’s back. This saddle is the most versatile saddle for trail riders who care about saddle fitting.
Mention Gaited Horse Marketplace when calling the seller to get a good deal.